Tuesday, June 17, 2014


almost every day, i will search the review on this products. ok, hold on?? what is acne.org? im not sure people in Malaysia have heard of it since the products does not sell here and if you still want to purchase it, you need to do it online because they only sell it through online. From what i had observed last few years, Acne.org is a skincare products to treat acne. you can check this website here . The products are basically so called "The Regimen". The set will include facial cleanser, treatment and moisturiser.

I am not writing a review of this products right now since im just started using it yesterday. Im doing research about acne.org products many years ago. I will read all the reviews, testimonials, and their website. Usually, i will go to youtube and randomly pick any users of this product and see how does the products works. i have see tons of reviews, and most of the users satisfied with this products. 

if you are Malaysian, and planning to try this out, maybe you should do some research since it will costs you a lot of money (includes shipping) unless you kaya takpe je.. hihihi... if siapa-siapa nak order jugak, ada seorang ni memang die tolong belikan.. boleh tengok dekat blog dia.. clickhere .. tapi dia kumpul order dulu baru dia beli.. yela, nak beli pun dari over the sea sana, kena lah kumpul dulu.. hahaha... ok, hopefully my skin will get better sikit lepas treatment ni.. oh lupa, if you want to find a similar products, just go to acne.org punya website or tengok je kat youtube tu... banyak yang suggestkan macam-macam. just, if tak berkesan, maybe you should try acne.org jugak like me. huhu...

ok, itu sahaja... nak pergi pakar kulit, boleh jugak.. i always go to Klinik Pakar Kulit Md Noh dekat Jalan Tar. bagus sangat2.. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

makeup review- concealer

assalamualaikum.... saje nak buat review pasal makeup since memang sume orang tau aku suka main2 makeup ni..heee...tapi before review, macam mana boleh start suka makeup2? urmmmm, dulu perangai memang bukan ladylike..memang out terus...saya sememangnya tak ayu dan xsuka nak poyo2 ayu tu...hahaha..dulu laa...sekarang ni, setelah dilentur oleh Mr.H hasil nye, over tau!! heels, handbags, makeup, dress up cantik2 itu wajib.. :P well, memang dulu aku ni kasar orang nya, tapi suka sangat main makeup2 ni dengan adik aku yang izzah tu...kadang2 hari2 duk makeup kan die..pernah jugak suruh die makeup aku, ngeri lepas tu tengok muka sendiri..kah3x.. start dari tu, aku suka buat research pasal makeup..memang hari2 tengok youtube... ok, nanti2 laa sambung cerita ni...sekarang nak buat review pasal concealer

ok, since when i started using concealer? the best answer i can give is, since i have acne... huh!! pimples every where and i hate it so much!!! ok, nanti i'll tell how i cure my acne... sekarang, concealer ye..hihi..aku xpernah terpikir pun pasal concealer ni..nak highlight muka? oh tidak!! aku bukan seorang yang makeup tebal2 ni..nanti nak kawen, hilang seri kat muka.. ada orang guna concealer untuk eye bag...actually, i never care about it..entah, xpernah rasa malu dengan my gorg eye bag!! haha... ok, lets start it.

1) makeup forever full cover concealer
i love this concealer!! memang tak nampak dah jerawat tu.. i bought it from sephora..for me, the price is expensive but boleh tahan lama pun..why not kan? but for now, aku dah tak guna sebab the shade is darker from my skin tone.. :'(.. heart broken betul.... nanti bila ada duit sikit, definitely gonna buy the lighter shade..hihihi

2) etude house surprise stick concealer
this is my second favourite...the coverage is light to medium...sebab tu laa die jatuh nombor 2..hehe..since this is a korean makeup brand, of course laa segala shade yang ada memang putih2 semua nya...but, colour yang beautician tu suggest kan is perfect for me..tak silap ada 2 shade je...aku amek yang the darker one.. the price is reasonable...its longlasting...kiranya kalau berpeluh or berminyak, dia akan stay still as long as u put powder over it...korang pakai compact powder kan? tempek je atas concealer tu..

3) kanebo kate stick concealer
obviously this is my third favourite!! wink3* yang ni tak ingat shade apa..tapi memang sama betul2 ngan my skin tone..die tak lah nombor 3 sebenarnye, sebab aku tukar2 jugak dengan concealer etude house tu..sebab effect die lebih kurang je pun..yang ni aku beli dekat watson je..hahaha...harga lebih kurang kot dengan etude house tu...sebab dah lama beli, tak ingat pulak..

so, conclusionnya, memang aku suka sangat concealer MUF..so kalau korang ada bajet lebih, go grab it girls!! and make sure 100% sama dengan korang nya warna muka.. and concealer ni water proof tau..kalau g swimming pun cnfirm x tanggal...so macam aku, bila keluar, time nak solat, i'll make sure yang aku bawak makeup remover wipes tu.. yela kan, makeup2 jugak, solat pun kena jaga jugak kan..Allah tak heran makeup tebal2 ni..yang penting wuduk tu..kalau wuduk tak sah, solat lagi laa tak sah...hee...

untuk yang low bajet, go for etude house and kate concealer tu..banyak jenis sebenarnya concealer dorang, tinggal pilih untuk kegunaan apa je..ok dah habis bercerita!! next time akan cerita my daily makeup routine pulak..bila rajin laa...kena amek mood nak menaip ni... :D

f.k: semoga ini semua yang terbaik...